About Us

Hi, welcome to Kaius. We’re a very small, independent Christian clothing and homeware company, helping people to wear and share their faith. 

Kaius came about as a way to create luxury, Christian faith based clothing, apparel and homeware that could help people openly share their faith by creating products that spark conversation. We want our products to be high quality, sustainable and the best we could find.

Kaius means to rejoice and we want people to emanate joy as they wear and use what we’ve created.

A lot of our prints have been created during times of worship and carry such an anointing we just wanted to share them with a much wider audience, and our other products carry this creative thread.

We’re learning everything as we go along and are jumping in feet first. We hope you find something you love here, and join us on this adventure into whatever God has in store for us!

Bethany & Ste – Team Kaius